Holy Trinity is always trying something new to engage our children with respect to religious education. This week, Dr. Eric T. Wallace, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Mathematics Department at the University of Connecticut, and a tonsured Reader (Tikhon) in the Orthodox Church, taught a Church School class on April 2, 2017, to our youngest children. The topic was "Where Is God?"
Dr. Wallace posed this question to the children and almost immediately, they began to reply. The children enthusiastically made responses such as "In space," "In the ground", and "Heaven." Reader Tikhon explained God is everywhere, every day, where ever one is at the moment. We can see Him through ikons, and He can always see us. One of the children correctly answered Jesus rose on the third day after his crucifixion and will raise everyone when He comes again.
Dr. Wallace used a novel approach to get and keep the children’s attention. To make his point he used several Lego characters. By capitalizing on the current popularity of Legos, Dr. Wallace found a way to bring them into a discussion on a level they could more easily understand. Holy Trinity is blessed to have nine children between the ages of 1-8 years of age.
Afterwards, the children enjoyed a make your own ice cream sundae treat complete with hot fudge, Reese’s M&M’s and whipped cream.
Thank you Dr. Wallace for sharing your talents with our young children!
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