The Nativity of Christ - 12/24/11

A profound and solemn Vigil for Feast of the Nativity in in preparation for the birth of Christ, our Lord.

The Nativity icon shines by candle light...
After a time of reflection, Fr. Marc invites the parishioners to venerate the Cross.
The choir readies for vespers...
Friends, family and faithful have gathered...
Sonja Chowanec is one of most dedicated parishioners and choir members.
The choir, co-directed by Mr Jason Geeza sang prayerfully and very much from their hearts.
Denise Geeza sings "We Magnify Thee"
The choir welcomed Jon and Merci Matcheson from Saints Cyril & Methodius Church, Terryville, CT
The Holy Trinity Choir sang several Christmas Carols at the conclusion of Vigil.
Michael Dolan and Nik Hutnik, two of our altar servers, are both High School seniors and are bound for college next year.
Altar servers Nik Hutnik, Michael Dolan, and Ziv Kaputa assisted Fr. Marc